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About Swish Ally Fund

The Fund:

Founded in 2014, the Swish Ally Fund at The Stonewall Community Foundation is the first fund of its kind created by allies to support organizations doing the work on the frontlines of the LGBTQ+ movement.


The Fund has been recognized five times with nominations and awards by NYC Pride; represented the U.S. delegation to EuroPride 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden; named “Best of LGBT NY 2009” by Time Out NY for being the first nonprofit organization to endorse the National Equality March in Washington, DC.  


The Fund was honored, along with Google, with Marriage Equality USA’s Community Partner Award and was a leading community partner for the World Pride/Stonewall 50 events in New York City.


The Impact:


To date, the Swish Ally Fund has awarded over $100,000 to 35 organizations.


The Fund supports nonprofits that advocate for and amplify LGBTQ+ people of color, immigrants, young people, and the homeless. That fight for gun control, marriage equality, and housing creation.  In 2016, the Swish Ally Fund created the “New York Loves Orlando” coalition of more than 50 individuals and organizations to raise funds for the families of the Pulse Nightclub shooting. 


The Fund’s grantees include Gays Against Guns, NYC Anti-Violence Project, FIERCE, Bea Arthur House at Ali Forney Center, Harlem Pride, True Colors Fund, #BornPerfect Campaign to end conversion therapy, Edie Windsor Coding Scholarship at Lesbians Who Tech, Youth Pride Chorus, SAGE, Black and Pink, Silvia Rivera Law Project, and Immigration Equality.

To request grants from the Swish Ally Fund, email your name, title, and organization name with your request to  Please include “Swish Ally Fund” in the subject line.

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@ Stonewall Foundation

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“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.”

― audre lorde

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